Traditional Arts in Upstate New York. Traditional Arts of Upstate New York
53 Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
(315) 386-4289

On that subject...


The Board of Directors of TAUNY is pleased to... (MORE)

TAUNY’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce... (MORE)

We are pleased to announce that TAUNY has... (MORE)

It’s Not Too Soon To Think About Gingerbread... (MORE)

TAUNY Presents New Video "Cooking with Helen... (MORE)

TAUNY Presents New Video "Feeding Community:... (MORE)

 Folk Arts All Around Us Exhibit at The... (MORE)

  Public Information Meeting About... (MORE)

Seed-Saving Walk and Talk with Dan Kelleher and... (MORE)

 New Exhibit at The TAUNY Center “Wool and... (MORE)

TAUNY & littleGrasse Community Farm Host... (MORE)

TAUNY Presents New Video “Tending the Wild Edible... (MORE)

TAUNY 35th Anniversary Raffles Three Barn... (MORE)

TAUNY Grow and Tell Kitchen Demonstration Okra... (MORE)

TAUNY Invites Individuals Around the North... (MORE)

Selections from the Morgan Collection on Display... (MORE)

TAUNY Garden Tour 8/17 with Jean Williams at Blue... (MORE)

TAUNY Garden Tour at Jane Desotelle’s... (MORE)

TAUNY Grow and Tell Kitchen Demonstration ... (MORE)

New Personal Collection Exhibit at The TAUNY... (MORE)

TAUNY Summer Fundraiser Underway ... (MORE)

TAUNY Grow and Tell Kitchen Demonstration ... (MORE)

New Exhibit at TAUNY Features Fiberistas’ Recent... (MORE)

TAUNY Presents New Video “Never Tire Farm: Hope... (MORE)

In their garlic plot featuring over 100... (MORE)

Maple Syrup Production Focus of New TAUNY... (MORE)

The next exhibition at The TAUNY Center will... (MORE)

  This December, TAUNY brings the... (MORE)

TAUNY is hosting a raffle for a Compass Sunflower... (MORE)

With the holiday season upon us, TAUNY is... (MORE)

TAUNY’s annual Sugar & Spice Gingerbread... (MORE)

TAUNY invites the community to visit the “St.... (MORE)

TAUNY invites the community to experience a... (MORE)

TAUNY invites the community to see a new... (MORE)

For the months of August and September, customers... (MORE)

In partnership with SLC Arts, TAUNY is... (MORE)

TAUNY’s North Country Folkstore in Canton will... (MORE)

In cooperation with state and federal guidelines... (MORE)

TAUNY invites the community to the opening... (MORE)

The final day to see the North Country Wall of... (MORE)

TAUNY invites holiday shoppers to shop for... (MORE)

TAUNY’s September Folkstore Artist Spotlight... (MORE)

TAUNY invites the community to stop by The TAUNY... (MORE)

A sweater made by Lamar Bliss, Madrid, has... (MORE)

TAUNY, Traditional Arts in Upstate New York,... (MORE)

TAUNY, Traditional Arts in Upstate New York, will... (MORE)

Traditional Arts in Upstate New York (TAUNY)... (MORE)

On Saturday, April 29th from 10:00am - 12:00pm,... (MORE)

The latest Personal Collection Series Exhibit at... (MORE)

Traditional Arts in Upstate New York (TAUNY) will... (MORE)

An exhibit at The TAUNY Center of Sara Lynch’s... (MORE)

Traditional Arts in Upstate New York (TAUNY) will... (MORE)

Traditional Arts of Upstate New York (TAUNY) has... (MORE)

Traditional Arts in Upstate New York (TAUNY) will... (MORE)

The Annual TAUNY Folkstore Holiday Showcase will... (MORE)

On Friday, November 4th from 7:00-8:30 pm TAUNY... (MORE)

A live band, community contra dance will be held... (MORE)

This year TAUNY is celebrating it’s 30th... (MORE)

On Saturday, October 1 at 1:00 pm Folklorist ... (MORE)

Area needleworkers are stitching a signature... (MORE)

Several weekends ago, I was able to accompany... (MORE)

Another of TAUNY’s selections for the 2016... (MORE)

Allow me to officially introduce myself - my name... (MORE)

Molly Hyde is originally from Woodstock, New York... (MORE)

TAUNY has teamed up with littleGrasse Foodworks... (MORE)

TAUNY, Traditional Arts in Upstate New York,... (MORE)

Canton resident Nancy Wilder Palmateer loved art... (MORE)

TAUNY invites the community to help create a... (MORE)

TAUNY has received $20,000 to support an... (MORE)

 TAUNY's 2015 Sugar and Spice gingerbread... (MORE)

 TAUNY's annual open house on Saturday,... (MORE)

The TAUNY Center will host Lee Knight's show... (MORE)

For the 2015 Sugar and Spice competition, you’re... (MORE)

Calling musicians! This coming year, TAUNY will... (MORE)

TAUNY's 2015 North Country Heritage Award... (MORE)


Alex Smith in Concert Saturday, September 12... (MORE)

Saturday, September 19th 3-8pm OR 6:30-8pm TWO... (MORE)

Join us for this free open house!TAUNY's Welcome... (MORE)

SeaComm is the latest addition of community... (MORE)

TAUNY received $1,000 from the St. Lawrence... (MORE)

As maple season begins to glimmer in the near... (MORE)

The building of the hydroelectric dam facilities... (MORE)

Traditional Arts in Upstate New York (TAUNY) is a... (MORE)

As we dive into the winter's work here at The... (MORE)

TAUNY is extending an invitation to area knitters... (MORE)

TAUNY's 2014 gingerbread contest, with the theme... (MORE)

At the annual meeting of TAUNY supporters on... (MORE)

QUILT DOCUMENTATION by appointment through the... (MORE)

Each year TAUNY recognizes legends who have... (MORE)

TAUNY Heritage Award winner Ermina Pincombe had... (MORE)

Following the announcement that Mohawk... (MORE)

On Saturday, August 2nd, the Panache Quartet will... (MORE)

Last week the National Endowment for the Arts... (MORE)

Following its debut at the Grasse River Heritage... (MORE)

Canton—A documentary about Adirondack song... (MORE)

The foot traffic was heavy at The TAUNY Center... (MORE)

Stop into The TAUNY Center  this Saturday... (MORE)

Do you have a favorite recipe that includes... (MORE)

Science, Art, and Music in the Mountains is a... (MORE)

This Friday, April 25, at 5 p.m., farmers and... (MORE)

Adults and children are invited to join Flip... (MORE)

North Country fishermen were once able to... (MORE)

Registrations are being accepted for TAUNY’s... (MORE)

Want to join your community in celebrating a... (MORE)

Opening at The TAUNY Center on Saturday, February... (MORE)

TAUNY – Traditional Arts in Upstate New York –... (MORE)

Following a break for planning and replenishing,... (MORE)

A classic gingerbread theme garnered the public’s... (MORE)

The TAUNY Center  will remain closed until... (MORE)

The holiday season isn’t complete until you’ve... (MORE)

“Health and happiness shall come to thee, should... (MORE)

The TAUNY Center and North Country Folkstore will... (MORE)

A TAUNY tradition for more than a decade, the... (MORE)

TAUNY’s recognition of SLU’s chapel bell ringers... (MORE)

Are you new to the North Country? Do you want to... (MORE)

Tickets are available for two traditional music... (MORE)

You can catch the second in the series of ... (MORE)

Some of the North Country’s finest artists are... (MORE)

TAUNY will host a reading and book signing for... (MORE)

Do you have an old house you’d like to restore? A... (MORE)

Two Master Gardener volunteers will be at The... (MORE)

ALBANY—The Preservation League of New York State... (MORE)

On Saturday, May 11, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon,... (MORE)

Traditional dancer and fiddler Jacob Brillhart... (MORE)

This Thursday, March 21, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.... (MORE)

Elizabeth (Libby) Brandt of Canton has been... (MORE)

TAUNY and ANCA – the North Country Adirondack... (MORE)

Looking for something unique, creative, and fun... (MORE)

TAUNY will mark the re-opening of The TAUNY... (MORE)

After the close of business on Saturday, December... (MORE)

The People's Choice award in this year's Sugar... (MORE)

Join perennial favorites Barb Heller and Danny... (MORE)

At TAUNY’s December First Friday Music Jam, board... (MORE)

Rebecca Weld (left) and Felicity Palmer judge... (MORE)

This holiday season, we are once again offering... (MORE)

This year TAUNY celebrates the 20th anniversary... (MORE)

The TAUNY Center and North Country Folkstore... (MORE)

Two local authors will be available at TAUNY on... (MORE)

On Wednesday, June 27, at 7 p.m., at The TAUNY... (MORE)

TAUNY will be at Mare's Wares Arts Fest - and we... (MORE)

Visit The TAUNY Center on Saturday, May 19, for a... (MORE)

Anyone with a song to sing or a story to tell is... (MORE)

TAUNY's spring mini-exhibit, “Pictures in Wool,”... (MORE)

The final “Folk Art in the Afternoon”... (MORE)

Maple sugaring time is coming to the North... (MORE)

Diorama artist Michael Cousino and his images of... (MORE)

Anyone with a song to sing or a story to tell is... (MORE)

Decoys and decoy carvers will be the subject of... (MORE)

TAUNY's winter “Critters & Mittens”... (MORE)

Even if you missed the introduction session of... (MORE)

On Tuesday, January 31, at 3:30 p.m., NCPR’s... (MORE)

Ring in the new year at TAUNY's First Friday... (MORE)

The TAUNY Center and North Country Folkstore are... (MORE)

TAUNY’s Sugar & Spice exhibit boasts one of... (MORE)

Join hosts Barb Heller of NCPR’s String Fever... (MORE)

TAUNY is joining with other downtown Canton... (MORE)

Don’t forget to register your entry in TAUNY’s... (MORE)

During November and December TAUNY’s North... (MORE)

If you need inspiration and instruction for the... (MORE)

TAUNY is celebrating one of today’s most popular... (MORE)

This past Sunday, more than 100 TAUNY members and... (MORE)

Again this year TAUNY will salute local “legends”... (MORE)

This October TAUNY will celebrate and encourage... (MORE)

TAUNY, the St. Lawrence University Greenhouse,... (MORE)

With great excitement and fanfare, The TAUNY... (MORE)

Canton’s annual celebration of art excellence in... (MORE)

For months people traveling down Main Street in... (MORE)

A crew of St. Lawrence University soccer plays... (MORE)

The creator of TAUNY’s award-winning music... (MORE)

At their July meeting, TAUNY's Board of Directors... (MORE)

TAUNY turns 25 in 2011, and the folklife... (MORE)

TAUNY invites members and friends to celebrate... (MORE)

TAUNY invites members and friends to celebrate... (MORE)

Gray & Gray CPAs, P.C., of Canton are... (MORE)

To accommodate the contractors working on the... (MORE)

The “TAUNY at 25” Auction is just around the... (MORE)

TAUNY will join Canton in welcoming paddlers and... (MORE)

There is still room in TAUNY’s First Thursday... (MORE)

Experienced and beginner shape note singers will... (MORE)

TAUNY’s woodcarving workshop series with Ron... (MORE)

Bottle collectors know that in addition to being... (MORE)

TAUNY is 25 this year, and some friends are... (MORE)

TAUNY, the Sustainable Living Project (SLP), and... (MORE)

Join hosts Gretchen Koehler and Barb Heller at... (MORE)

Imaginary Beasts, a mini-exhibit of iron... (MORE)

Maple sugaring time is coming to the North... (MORE)

News of TAUNY's 25th anniversary is spreading... (MORE)

As January turns into February there's plenty... (MORE)

At the first Board meeting of the new year, TAUNY... (MORE)

Whether you’re an experienced shape note singer... (MORE)

This month master woodcarver Ron Riley will... (MORE)

As TAUNY’s 2010 Sugar & Spice... (MORE)

TAUNY's annual Sugar & Spice gingerbread... (MORE)

Usher in the holiday season with a visit to... (MORE)

TAUNY Communications Director Carol Pynchon peers... (MORE)

It's getting messier and more exciting every day... (MORE)

TAUNY’s First Thursday Program for Kids continues... (MORE)

Construction is underway! In the latest... (MORE)

As renovations begin to the exterior and interior... (MORE)

As The TAUNY Center undergoes renovations, the... (MORE)

TAUNY’s Register of Very Special Places (RVSP) is... (MORE)

“Anatomy of a Packbasket,” a traveling exhibition... (MORE)

The TAUNY Center and North Country Folkstore will... (MORE)

Children ages 7 to 10 are invited to a free... (MORE)

TAUNY’s summer exhibit, Sacred Tools: The Work... (MORE)

TAUNY’s North Country Folkstore continues to... (MORE)

This month’s Featured Artist at the North Country... (MORE)

During the month of February, visitors to TAUNY's... (MORE)

At the close of "North Country Noggins," TAUNY's... (MORE)

The committee charged with raising $1.25 million... (MORE)

Surprise gift - louboutin dames for you

Be sure to stop in to The TAUNY Center for all... (MORE)

Woodcarver Ron Riley of Massena will lead a... (MORE)


At the annual Member Reception on Friday night,... (MORE)

If you wish to pick up your balsam wreath on the... (MORE)

Many new artists have work in the TAUNY... (MORE)

TAUNY is now taking orders for balsam wreaths for... (MORE)

November 6 & December 4, 20097 to 8:30... (MORE)

2009 Salute to North Country LegendsBest Western... (MORE)

Saturday, December 5, 1 to 3 p.m.Packbasket... (MORE)

TAUNY Gallery Through December 31, 2009... (MORE)

A Great Kickoff to the Grow & Tell Garden Tour Series

Photo caption: Presenters at the Grow and Tell Project’s first garden tour at littleGrasse Community Farm on July 10 included farmers Flip Filippi and Bob Washo, TAUNY (Canton, NY) Folk to Table Director Camilla Ammirati, Rose Rivezzi of Big Spoon Kitchen (Potsdam, NY), and Rosanna Mosher of the Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Farm (Croghan, NY).

Earlier this month, there was a wonderful gathering of community members at the first garden tour of the season for the Grow and Tell Project, a 2021 partnership between TAUNY and littleGrasse Community Farm. The July 10th kickoff tour at littleGrasse, a community farm at the edge of the village of Canton, NY, brought an enthusiastic group of visitors from not only Canton and Potsdam areas, but locations ranging from Massena to Lowville to Philadelphia, NY. Walking through the bursting green gardens on the bright summer day, the group learned about the farm’s mission and operations and heard special guests share stories of how plants grown at the farm help connect them to their own family and cultural food traditions.


The tour began with an overview from littleGrasse farmers Flip Filippi and Bob Washo about their mission—including their philosophy “not to sell food, but to feed people”—and how they farm on a subsistence and preservation model of feeding the community not only throughout the growing season, but with crops and methods that support preserving the bounty for healthy and delicious eating throughout the year. TAUNY Folk to Table Director Camilla Ammirati then shared an overview of the Grow and Tell Project and some highlights from the stories and recipes project participants from around the North Country have shared so far for the project.


Highlights of the day included presentations by special guests Rosanna Moser of the Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Farm (Croghan, NY) and Rose Rivezzi of Big Spoon Kitchen (Potsdam, NY), about the meaningful connections people make to their own heritage and community life through particular plant varieties. Rosanna began with the story of the “Virkler lettuce,” a buttercrunch-like variety brought to the North Country in 1834 from Alsace-Lorraine, France, and grown over generations but more recently largely lost from the Lowville-area Mennonite community. Rosanna shared her own joyful memories of the lettuce as part of her childhood food traditions. She then said the AMHA is especially pleased that through TAUNY’s research for the project, they learned of the AMHA’s “quest for the obtainment of the seed. Camilla took the bite and connected with Bob at littleGrasse, who in turn moved forward to finding a source. We are looking forward to having this seed once again to share with our 20 Mennonite immigrant family descendants and community.”


The group moved on to hear from Rose Rivezzi about “Poppa Rivezzi’s Garlic,” a soft-neck variety her father grew for decades and that is now growing at littleGrasse as well as in Rose’s own garden. Rose grew up helping tend the garden with her father, including many rounds of planting, harvesting, braiding and preserving, and cooking up this garlic. As Rose says, "The connections we have with people so often revolve around food. Garlic is my connection to my dad. He had been planting the same garlic for over 60 years and I was thrilled when littleGrasse was willing to keep Poppa Rivezzi Garlic going in their fields after he passed away." Rose not only shared her story but, as part of the event, provided the option of a delectable lunch of basil garlic scape pesto knots, pickled vegetables, and a sour cherry baked treat from Big Spoon Kitchen for participants. 


TAUNY and littleGrasse wish to thank all who attended the tour and the many people locally and from around the region who have shared their stories for the Grow and Tell Project. Please contact Camilla Ammirati at to share your own stories of rooted recipes, meaningful meals, and foods you grow or get locally that are connected to your traditions. The Grow and Tell garden tour series continues with additional tours at Jane Desotelle’s “Plattsburgh Botanical Sanctuary” (Plattsburgh, NY), Jean Williams’s home subsistence garden (Blue Mountain Lake, NY), and further tours at littleGrasse Community Farm focusing on subsistence and preservation gardening and seed-saving. Spots are limited and registration is required for all garden tours. See for more.


The Grow and Tell Project, part of TAUNY’s new Folk to Table initiative, is a 2021 partnership between TAUNY and littleGrasse Community Farm highlighting the local food and food traditions that help sustain us, through a series of garden tours, kitchen demonstrations, video and digital features, and more. Additional partners in the project include GardenShare (Canton, NY) as well as varied home cooks and gardeners from around the region. The Grow and Tell Project is made possible by a grant from the Cloudsplitter Foundation.

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Note: All images, text and other material found in this website © 5386 TAUNY. All rights reserved.