Traditional Arts in Upstate New York. Traditional Arts of Upstate New York
53 Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
(315) 386-4289


What is TAUNY?

TAUNY is the only organization in New York’s North Country dedicated to showcasing the folk culture and living traditions of the region.

What does TAUNY do?

TAUNY collects, preserves, interprets, and presents the customs and traditions of the North Country. With archives, exhibits, and programs in Canton and throughout the region, TAUNY celebrates the diversity of living traditions inherited from the past, maintained in the present, and passed on to the future.

What is the North Country?

Our North Country is the 14-county region north of the Mohawk River, from Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River to Lake Champlain, including the Adirondack Mountains.

How does TAUNY’s work benefit the region?

By celebrating our North Country’s distinct identity – and the everyday people, places, and things that define it – TAUNY encourages an understanding and appreciation of life in the region, for residents and visitors alike.  This understanding contributes to enhanced regional pride, increased economic vitality, affirmation of regional values and traditions, and encouragement of the stewardship of these customs and traditions for posterity.

Mission Statement


TAUNY explores, honors, and celebrates the diverse cultures, skills, and crafts of everyday life in New York’s North Country to bring people together across our region and beyond.


Vision Statement

As a self-sustaining essential community resource and the leading cultural heritage organization in New York State’s North Country, TAUNY will increase people-to-people and digital programs, and develop its archival potential while maximizing opportunities at The TAUNY Center.



Professionalism - Our work, expertise, and conduct exemplify the highest standards of our profession.

Respect - In everything we do, we honor the needs of the individuals and communities we serve.

Integrity - We are ethical in our work and sincere in our interactions with others.

Excellence - We strive for excellence by being innovative in our actions and passionate about our work.

Commitment - We are committed to responsibly stewarding the cultural and heritage traditions of our region.



TAUNY’s  Evergreen Logo

A stylized fir tree from a 19th century stoneware jug made in the North Country--suggests the nurturing of old and new traditions that could easily be abandoned or forgotten if those who inherit them lose sight of their worth or usefulness. The “folk art” image of an evergreen tree, which appears throughout our region—in the Adirondack woods, on islands in the St. Lawrence,  in farmers’ woodlots and village streets—implies that there are some things we all have in common here. It also speaks to the fact that everyday life—and traditions--in the region constantly involve interaction of humans with the natural environment.

Note: All images, text and other material found in this website © 4931 TAUNY. All rights reserved.