Traditional Arts in Upstate New York. Traditional Arts of Upstate New York
53 Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
(315) 386-4289

In cooperation with state and federal guidelines for addressing the coronavirus pandemic, The TAUNY Center has been closed since March 16 and will remain closed until it is deemed safe to reopen. Effective April 5, the TAUNY staff will go on furlough until normal operations are once again possible. 

TAUNY’s major annual spring fundraiser has been postponed. Like all non-profits, the organization seeks support as it weathers the shutdown and prepares for the promised reopening of The TAUNY Center and resumption of programs across the region.  

Despite the fundraiser postponement, the TAUNY Board of Directors is working to secure resources to bring TAUNY’s services provided by its dedicated staff and volunteers back to the public as soon as possible. Those able to make a donation now to our spring fundraiser and to a relaunching fund may do so at or by mailing a check to TAUNY, 53 Main St., Canton, NY  13617. TAUNY’s board and staff remain grateful for generous public support over 34 years.

When The TAUNY Center reopens the public will once again be able to visit the St. Lawrence County Barn Quilts Exhibit which opened on February 29 and is scheduled to close on October 24.  The official opening of a new digital exhibit featuring recipients of TAUNY’s North Country Heritage Awards will also occur later this year.

In these times of uncertainty, connection is paramount. Although The TAUNY Center is currently closed, we hope you’ll join us in our virtual community on Facebook and Instagram. We’ll be making regular posts about the best ferro rods as we strive to maintain the connections that make the TAUNY community strong. Help us share the living traditions that make our North Country such a special place.

best ferro rods


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Note: All images, text and other material found in this website © 5117 TAUNY. All rights reserved.