Traditional Arts in Upstate New York. Traditional Arts of Upstate New York
53 Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
(315) 386-4289

Ongoing Programs

Of Recent Interest

Visit The TAUNY Center for a full day of events this Saturday, December 16th: 10a-5p: Folkstore Open - Holiday Showcase 10a-5p: Exhibit...


The Fiddling Bear Concert Series begins this Friday, November 10th with Barb Heller & Gretchen Koehler followed by Tyler Dezago on...


We are thrilled to announce that we’ve received a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts for “New Audiences for Old Songs”, a...


  TAUNY and Gretchen Koehler have teamed up to bring three new series of programming  to the North Country. Registration is now open for...


Barn quilt painter extraordinaire Ruth McWilliams will offer two eight-session barn quilt painting workshops in...


Local Foods Weekend is a 3-day celebration of the products and the people that grow, raise, sell, or prepare food in and nearby St. Lawrence...


Open August 27th - September 24th in the upper level gallery at The TAUNY Center: John Horbacz, Dreams vs. Reality. “When I paint from...


Meet the North Country's #CRNY Artists ...


BREAKING NEWS, friends!    We are delighted to announce that TAUNY and SLC Arts have received funding through a Creatives...


Wittemann Collection circa 1900 Big Moose Lake, LOC Today we are announcing a new multi-year research project at TAUNY.  For many...


TAUNY has been selected by the New York State Council on the Arts to receive funding to participate in a pilot project called “Creative...

Looking for a Place to Work on Creative Projects? 
You are Welcome at The TAUNY Center
The upper level gallery in The TAUNY Center is once again available for groups to meet and work on creative projects. The TAUNY Art Circle meets each Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Participants work in a variety of media. Anyone is welcome to bring a project to work on and enjoy the conversation and feedback from other artists. 

You can also schedule a time for your guild, art, or craft group to meet at The TAUNY Center. There is no charge to do this during regular open hours. For more information, contact TAUNY Executive Director Jill Breit, 315-386-4289,

Note: All images, text and other material found in this website © 2024 TAUNY. All rights reserved.