Traditional Arts in Upstate New York. Traditional Arts of Upstate New York
53 Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
(315) 386-4289


Over the years TAUNY has accumulated a significant collection of primary materials from our own research projects and from contributions of folklore scholars who have worked in the region, most notably invaluable collections donated by folklorists Robert Bethke, Richard Lunt, and Edith Cutting. The collections include audio and video tapes, photographs and slides, interview transcripts, student research projects and books. These are the primary materials upon which we base our own projects, such as exhibits, publications, and radio programs.

Materials from our collections can be available to students, scholars and the general public for educational purposes. Please call ahead for an appointment.


Ice Fishing Traditions
Ice fishing is one of the most traditional wintertime activities for many in the North Country, providing both food and recreation for families in a challenging time of year.  Significant changes in the techniques for ice fishing have occurred in recent decades, often the result of changing winter conditions or regulations by state or federal agencies to protect the environment or ecology. One of the most obvious changes in recent year has been in the types of tip-ups—simple devices meant to alert the person fishing that she or he has a bite.

"Ice Fishing Traditions in St. Lawrence County," written in 1978 by Melanie Smithers, a fieldworker for the Center for the Study of North Country Folklife at SUNY Canton at the time, is the result of interviews with numerous local men and women by Smothers and several other fieldworkers. The article was published in September 1978, by the Madison County (NY) Historical Society in their 14th Annual Traditional Crafts Days program booklet, now in the TAUNY Archives Collection.

Photo:  Ice fisherman carved and painted by Ron Riley, Massena, 1997.
Ice Fishing Traditions in St. Lawrence County
(Click to download PDF)

Note: All images, text and other material found in this website © 2813 TAUNY. All rights reserved.