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Register of Very Special Places

Of Recent Interest

We were sorry to hear the news that the Wanakena Footbridge, a site on TAUNY's Register of Very Special Places (RVSP), was heavily damaged by ice...


At their July meeting, TAUNY's Board of Directors approved the nomination of the Croghan Island Mill as the newest entry to TAUNY's Register of Very...


TAUNY’s Register of Very Special Places (RVSP) is an inventory or register of cultural landmarks - sites in communities throughout the North Country...


Cultural landmarks on TAUNY's Register of Very Special Places are presented with a slate plaque acknowledging their inclusion in the Register. This...

The Register of Very Special Places (RVSP) is a project undertaken by TAUNY to create an inventory or register of sites in communities throughout the North Country that are special to the life of those communities. Called "cultural landmarking," with this project we encourage and train local citizens to nominate and document places such as diners, general stores, barber shops, Grange halls, and community gathering places that have special meaning to those who use them.

The Register is a central repository for information about the sites and a resource for historic preservation activities. The Register’s website module includes profiles and photos of many of the sites currently on the Register, a guestbook for people anywhere to submit favorite stories about sites, and an open invitation to North Country residents to nominate sites for TAUNY’s consideration. It presents detailed information about documentation techniques to make a record of the sites for the community and the Register.

Working with North Country Public Radio, TAUNY developed a series of radio programs on selected RVSP cultural landmarks.

The Register of Very Special Places has been incorporated into TAUNY's signature North Country Heritage Awards program. To learn more about the Very Special Places click here.

Note: All images, text and other material found in this website © 2024 TAUNY. All rights reserved.