Traditional Arts in Upstate New York. Traditional Arts of Upstate New York
53 Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
(315) 386-4289

 ADK Mennonite Camping Assn.

Lowville, Lewis County
Beaver Camp Quilt Auction

The Adirondack Mennonite Camping Association operates Beaver Camp as a year round children’s camp in Lewis County. The Association represents eight long-established Mennonite church congregations from Croghan, Naumburg, New Bremen, Lowville, Woodville, and Watertown. Each June since 1973, the group has presented the Beaver Camp Auction at the fairgrounds, featuring traditional pieced and appliqued quilts made by local sewing circles and donated to raise funds for the camp. In addition,  donated handmade furniture and crafts, antiques, plants, and even firewood are auctioned all day. Other local Mennonite traditions represented in the event include a celebrated chicken barbecue, pancake breakfast with maple syrup, various handcrafts, and a vast array of traditional breads, pies, and desserts. The Beaver Camp Auction has also served to encourage the continuation and revival of traditional Mennonite quilting and other local community customs.

Click here to listen to the TAUNY/NCPR "Meet the Masters" story about the Beaver Camp quilt auction.

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